Be A Sponsor
By sponsoring our Célébrez la Femme Empowerment Summit™, you will play a vital role in shaping a memorable occasion that will leave a lasting impact on the lives of many. We would greatly appreciate your consideration in becoming one of our valued sponsors.
Ways to Give
Kindly review the sponsorship levels listed below. Our dedicated team is diligently working towards arranging accommodations for a maximum of 100 participants in March. Your involvement in supporting us is vital as we aim to successfully host the biggest women's summit on the lower shore. Please don't hesitate to inquire about sponsorship opportunities and how you can contribute to this significant event. Email us at partners@celebrezlafemme.org!
Empowerment Sponsor - $10,000
Includes all benefits of the Confidence Sponsor package, plus:- Name/Logo recognized in all press releases.- Name/Logo featured in Thank You ads.
Sponsor - $5000
Includes all benefits of the Supporting Sponsor package, plus:- Logo displayed on the back of event T-shirts.- Logo featured on the event website and in digital communications.- Thank you posts on various social media channels
Supporting Sponsor - $2000
Name displayed on the event website.- Name recognized in all press releases.- Name included in press coverage.- Name featured in all email correspondences with participants and parents.- Thank-you email sent to participants.- Emails to mentors and event registrants.- Reminder emails for the event.
Community Sponsor - $500-$1000
Name displayed on the event website, in eblasts, and event program.- Name included on the Community Sponsor thank-you slide during the event.

How We Collect All Donations
Online - Invoicing
If you would like to sponsor and/or activate your brand on-site for the summit, our team will send an invoice with credit card processing capabilities for your convenience.
Check - Pick Up
In the event that your organization intends to issue a check to our organization, kindly note that our local team is readily available to coordinate a convenient pick-up.
In-Kind Sponsorship
To ensure that our swag bags are sufficient, we kindly request all in-kind donations to fall within the specified categories. These include but are not limited to Beauty Products, Feminine Hygiene Products, Cosmetics, Stationery Products, Service-Based Gift Certificates, Jewelry, and Self-Care items. In addition, we kindly ask for a minimum donation of 80 individual items or more to ensure that every attendee receives a well-curated swag bag. Your generous contribution will greatly enhance the overall experience for our attendees.
Thank you for your support!